Alex had a check-up at the doctor's office today. He is seven weeks now and doing great. He weighs 10lbs 9oz and is 20 3/4 inches long. The doctor affectionately called him "chubby" and I'd have to agree! He goes in a week for shots and then again at 4 months (which will be in January). He's given us a couple smiles and is starting to watch very closely when someone talks to him. He loves looking at Charlie and already seems to be interested in what he's doing. All in all, things are going well and it's amazing how much he's grown already!
P.S. Thanks to Uncle Matt and cousin Molly for picking out such a cute shirt for Alex! This was one of his very first gifts in the hospital and I think it looks just darling. You can tell Alex agrees, the way he's "posing!"