Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had a great Christmas this year! Alex's first, tons of new gifts, lots of family and enough treats to last us all year long. Hope yours was just as jolly!

All bundled up to go get our x-mas tree!

Watching Daddy put the lights on the house.
He desperately wants to be helping!

Cookies made with Mom!

More snow!

Coming in from playing outside

Making "Puppy Chow" with Mom

Alex surfing for a Christmas movie!

Happy Alex!

Charlie managing a half-smile. He did NOT want to pose for this pic.

Looking good Alex!

Our little candy cane ready for bed!

Adding some decorations to Papa Steve and G'ma Mary's tree.
Charlie was concerned there weren't enough ornaments.

Brian with his nephew, the ADORABLE Ethan!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Card Outtakes

These photos didn't make the cut for the annual Christmas card, but I thought they were still blog-worthy. Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Stuck inside

It was way too cold to go outside today (and we didn't have any plans anyway), so Mom got out the camera and snapped some new pics of the boys. Enjoy!

Happy Alex!

Proud big brother!

Time to end the photo shoot!

Killing time playing in the sink

Monday, December 1, 2008

All smiles!

Alex has become a very smiley baby and I've managed to capture a few of his "happy" moments. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First Snow

Seeing how excited Charlie was about the first snow makes me almost (ALMOST!) ready for winter.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tickle Tickle!

For those of you who know Charlie, you know he has a slight obsession with tickling babies. He tickled Alli's baby in utero, he tickled Molly when she was born, he tickled my baby in utero and then Alex when he was born. Up until now, not one of these babies has responded with any sort of smile, laugh, etc. Despite this, Charlie still tickles away with such enthusiasm (and a high pitched squeal to go with it), hoping someone will respond. Well, Molly has finally responded and it's about the cutest thing ever!

The breakthrough happened on just an ordinary Monday night at Brookfield Square Mall. Two moms and their kids, enjoying dinner at the Food Court. The kids were getting restless so we let them "play" together on the bench of our table. Charlie started the inevitable tickling of Molly and...she LOVED it! Laughing and giggling like crazy. Needless to say, Charlie was heaven, Molly was in heaven and that made the Mommies in heaven.

Here's to many more years of tickling!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

10 o'clock windup (a.k.a. bedtime)

When I was little, bedtime was called the "10 o'clock windup" because that's when my sister and I would be at our most hyper. Just as our parents wanted us to wind down and settle into bed, we would become total freaks, running and jumping around the house. Unfortunately, I am being paid back in spades and bedtime in our house has become a totally psycho affair. Charlie becomes even more hyper than usual (which is hard to imagine) and runs and jumps all over the place. Most nights, I can't help but laugh because it seems like just yesterday I was doing the same thing. He seems to have gotten Alex into the mix, too. Lord help me...

A moment of calm...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

All smiles

Alex has been smiling quite a bit lately -more and more each day! Today he was in an exceptionally "smiley" mood and I tried to snap some pics. However, if anyone has ever tried to take a picture of a smiling newborn, you know just how impossible this is. One hand on the camera, one hand tickling them or doing whatever it takes to get that grin, and your whole body contorted to get their attention and hold their gaze. All of this ends up resulting in a lot of blurry pictures. I did manage to get a couple that sort of show his smile. More to come, I'm sure...

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

They say in Wisconsin if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes!
Yesterday = cool and crisp. Perfect for a leaf pile.

Today = sunny and warm. Perfect for shorts, a t-shirt and Crocs!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or treat...give me something good to eat!

Halloween was tons of fun this year! We carved pumpkins, attended Halloween parties and trick-or-treated all in a matter of a few days. It all started with a Halloween party hosted by our friends, the Wengers. The kids had a great time and Charlie was hilarious as "golf guy." Molly was adorable as always donning Charlie's pumpkin costume from a couple years ago. She is a spitting image of Charlie when he wore it. Too cute! Trick or treat was great and Charlie really got into it this year. He definitely knows what candy is and has been begging me each day for a "little treat." Don't they say to just give the kids all their candy at once??? Hope your Halloween was just as much fun!

Trick or treat during naptime could equal disaster!

Now we're getting into it!

Alex trying to get into the spirit.

Checking out the loot!

Joining the kids on the block

All dressed up ready for the party!

Charlie having fun at the party. Alex looks less than thrilled.

Group shot at the Halloween party.

Brian's pumpkin. What an overachiever!

Charlie decorating his and Alex's pumpkins