Sunday, January 25, 2009

Some updates

Let's see, what has been going on??? Alex started solids a few weeks ago. First Rice Cereal, then Oatmeal and we've moved on to some baby food. He's getting the hang of it and I just can't believe my "newborn" is already starting solids. Where does the time go? We've been managing this horrible winter weather as best we can. Charlie and I went shopping for a sled the other day. He and Brian took it for a spin on the front lawn. Charlie decided it was, "fun but scary." I guess that's pretty much right on, huh? Here are some pics from the past few weeks.

Alex blocking out the world during a nap

All bundled up!

Kiss, kiss!

The boys piled up on the sled

Hey Mom, I can do this myself!

Guess we're DONE with this meal!
Mmmm, cereal

Such a "big boy" in the feeding chair

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The doctor is in!

In preparation for Alex's 4 month appt this week, Charlie thought he might want a "run through." Thanks Papa Big Dog for the new doctor's kit. And Auntie Alli for the coat. So official!

Dr. Bodendein, at your service!

Trust me, this will only hurt for a second!

Sounds good!