Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July this year! This really is one of my favorite (if not my favorite) holidays. It just screams summer and we always see so many old friends. This year was fun because it was Alex's first and Charlie was REALLY into it. We decorated the wagon for the Lake Park parade, walked the parade, saw fireworks, went swimming at the Steinmiller's annual bbq. It was a busy week-end but totally worth it. There are tons of pictures but here are a few that capture the week-end. Enjoy!

Hanging as a family!
Bathing "beauties"

Dressed for the party

Running the kids' race at Lake Park

Ready for the Parade!

Mmmm, ice cream!

Our annual "fireworks" picture. Alex slept through the ENTIRE show!

Alex at the fireworks spot down at the Lakefront

Decorating for the parade. Getting the streamers "perfect."


myMOMlife said...

The one of the boys on the porch just reminds me of me and you. It's a classic pic they will (or we will...not sure if boys are into that kinda stuff) be looking at for YEARS! Too cute, as always.

Jess said...

The bathing beauties picture is SWEET.